Monday, August 6, 2012

confidence , the most important thing.

confidence comes from alays being right but not fearing wrong <3

confidence is something i dont always have, i'll admitt it ! It's something to have a lot of , we become scared or insacure and we loose our confidence because of somebody else . i have an example for you , i lost quite a bit of my confidence by a friend telling me something to bring me down and think a lot!

It was just yesterday when my family and I were leaving the frain's cabin . At about 11:30 we ran out to the close mall because my friend emilie and i wanted crocs and i have been telling and telling my mom how much i want them and how their so cute (this as the start of my confidence). So we get to the croc store and em and i are soo excited ! we pick out our croc's and our jibbitz to go with them. we checkout and pay! (my confidence is no very high because im confident i love them) so my mom and emilie's mom wanted to go to the store down 4 stores , so me and em just sat and talked about them ! i took a picture of my crocs and sent them to my close friends , i said " i got crocs today ! to pairs , i love theem !!" when we return to our car , i see that i have a text from my friend kayla .. it says "cool." and i think to myself... is that soppose to "sound" mean? then another comes in as i ignore the text. she then texted me saying that i talked shit about other girls with crocs, then i go and get them , seriously kayla . she can never be happy for me . ( my confidence , now is very low) i start to cry beacuse i dont know what to do , ignore her ? its not that easy . i let it go and try to move on . its just an example of some confidence that got lost .. remember sticks and stones may break my bones, but words ill never hurt me<3
All dreams can come true- if we have the courage to pursue them.
-Walt Disney

inspiration .

“Your time is limited, don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma, which is living the result of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of other’s opinion drowned your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition, they somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.” – Steve Jobs

catch up

hey everyone , i just wanted to let you all know that im soo sad to see that the last time i was using my blog was may of this year .. yes i know. It has been forever! But im going to be trying my hardest to be posting more , maybe a fe a month and i would LOVE feedback from you guys ! comment on my post's so i know if your liking them and if there was something that caught your eye (: thanks !


Saturday, May 26, 2012

with madison and gabby <3
twwo amazing people , that i lovee <3

Monday, April 23, 2012

jusst camme back from rollerblading for a hour witth thee bestfriennd (:
kayla rose fields <3
 If this really how you want people to think of you as ?
People will start to think of you as:
- The mean one.
-The cool one.
-The one who doesn't care.
-The brave one.
-The one who is always right.
-The one who doesn't care who and what they damage.