Thursday, April 19, 2012

Bailey Nicole Verke

Bailey Nicole this one is for you! I just want you to know that you mean so much to me, to see you in and out of the hospital makes my heart break into pieces.Without you in my life an by my side every step of the way, I have absolutely no idea where i would be in this world today, You have made a huge impact onto my life. It's crazy! I just want you to know that everything happens for a reason, and right now seems to be a little crazy if I'm right? But God knows that everything will turn out to be okay. I know Bailey that I can come to you for ANYTHING! You and I can relate so much sometimes that it makes me smile! Bailey, you make all my days 100X better when we talk,laugh or even just smile at each other it lights up my world. I don't like seeing you cry, be sad or depressed. It hurts me not to know what to do. You are in my prayers every single day and night. I have no clue what i would do if i were in your shoes... probably fall on my face the first step. Bailey Nicole Verke, I hope you know that
Natalie Marie Turkowski.

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